Date, Time
Standing In Need of Prayer...

LPMBC | Standing In Need of Prayer

Dea. Bert Taylor
Rev. Donald Smith
Dea. Flem Goins
Sis. Jennie Holt
Sis. Mary Stewart
Bro. William Crawford
Bro. William Jones
Sis. Wilma Blackman

Our Prayer for July
Father, the enemy has come for our children. Have mercy on them. The enemy is trying to deceive them with the world’s definition of marriage and gender and sexuality. Lord, we know that many have fallen prey to the world’s lies and have turned from serving you. Save our children. Lord the world has blinded the eyes of many with false religions that promise what only you can provide. Help us as a church to love them and teach them with courage and boldness. Please help young people who are trying to do what is right and who have a heart for you. We thank you for those who continue to live for you. Help us as a church to strengthen and encourage them. Teach us how to show compassion for those who suffer with identity issues and who are having thoughts of suicide. Help us to guide them to you in love. In Jesus name. Amen
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